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July 29-30

How does it happen that for many women it’s not the same thing? After all, there is a woman’s body, there is attraction to men – it would seem that everything is obvious. But for some reason, this fact does not give one hundred percent certainty. Self-doubting woman looks around and finds hundreds of so-called “women’s trainings” that promise happiness after discovering clearly defined and necessary qualities. This means that there is a universal recipe for finding female happiness. And a woman decides to find out the recipe.

Life in an abstract concept cannot be realized. Life consists of flesh and blood, joy and suffering, successes and failures. It is very difficult to convince life to misallocate the energies and tasks of partners. It is not worth spending the allotted time on it. If you blindly try to change yourself based on what somewhere and once was considered right – there will be no happiness. Because only within one partnership a unique balance of distribution of energies is built. Because each partner is not only a man or a woman. It is a personality with its own needs, resources and deficits.

What was needed from a woman to an ancient Hindu or a medieval knight, a peasant of the middle strip of pre-revolutionary Russia or a party worker of the 70s – is not suitable for a man of the 21st century. And if it fits, it is his individual preferences and even then a woman must ask herself the question – whether it suits her. And there can be no rules in answering this question.

Analyzing the reasons why women go in search of mythological femininity, I often come across the fact that they don’t really want to change for a man, they want to receive more warmth from him. Pay attention – in fact, women want a man to exhibit those very “feminine” qualities! And this is not a paradox. This is normal!

Because there is no such thing as only feminine or masculine characteristics. Each person carries infinite potential and manifests what is in demand and what he or she thinks is right. And people’s needs have no gender – they are universal and we all want warmth and care. If we consider partnership as a unity, as a certain cauldron, in which many components, combining with each other, create something new – is it important who brings sugar into the cauldron and who brings salt and pepper? It is important that both of them like the taste. Only then will people be good together.

At the receptions of married and non-family couples, the importance of women’s activity, determination and responsibility for men is very often revealed. In most couples, the relationship problem is a problem of respect and mutual understanding. When a man complains about the lack of softness of a woman, as a rule, in fact, he lacks recognition of his merits. But is it necessary to be some kind of especially soft to see your partner’s strengths? Rather, you just need to be attentive and really want to establish a relationship, having sorted out your own expectations.

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